Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Taxation and Events that Lead to the Revolutionary War

The War for American Independence in 1775 grew out of American colonists feeling they deserved all the rights of Englishmen, while Great Britain viewed the colonies as an unequal part of their empire. These clashing views led to anger and conflict as Great Britain tried to demonstrate its power through a series of acts and taxes, which colonists felt were jeopardizing their liberty. The Briton mentality that American colonists should be grateful for anything they were given heightened the division between the colonists and the British. After The Seven Years War, the conflict that began with efforts to remove French from British-claimed land, the British were left to deal with the war’s enormous expenses of around  £150 million. King George III saw the colonists as the debt solution. The mid-1760’s became a period of the British Parliament expressing their rule in ways to collect money from the colonists. However, the war had also had a big impact on the colonies . â€Å"Before the war, the colonies had been largely isolated from one another. Outside of New England, more Americans probably traveled to England than from one colony to another† (Give Me Liberty 137). Contrarily, while fighting was ablaze throughout the frontier, a sense of colonist pride and unity was developed. Numerous taxes were forced upon the colonists during the years following the Seven Years War. One such tax was the Sugar Act of 1764, which reduced the tax on imported molasses and introducedShow MoreRelatedFrench and Indian War Effects Essay1048 Words   |  5 PagesThe French and Indian War had an almost innumerable number of effects on the political, economic and ideological relations between Britain and the American colonies. The war touched the entirety of America’s diverse population; from the Native Americans to the soldiers. 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